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February 06, 2012



We live in an age when Richard Bruton holds a press conference for every two-bit call centre opening, promising a small 'potential' amount of jobs, 'created' with IDA subvention. But for every one of these contrived good news stories, another business folds, and a larger amount of jobs disappear.

Now they're going to foist an utterly stupid 'balanced budget' rule upon the populace, in order to maintain the cherished myth nurtured in the Bundesbank, the ECB and the neoliberal world generally, that managing State finances is exactly the same as managing a household or a corner shop. As you point out correctly, even the deficit terrorists pushing the quasi-Treaty think that austerity is an inevitable consequence of this enshrining of fiscal numerology in Member States' national laws.

The Government can only massage unemployment statistics for so long.You wonder how bad it has to get before they pull back from this madness.

Kieran Sullivan

"I announce, therefore I am" - seems to be the thinking behind all Government Departments, especially the 'Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation' Dept.

Is it fair to ask where 100,000 jobs will come from?

Agriculture & food? Hardly.

IT? 10,000 jobs if we're very, very optimistic and if Google & others invest. (And this is if Ireland can remain a tax haven for these multinationals)

Tourism? Another 10,000 jobs if we're again very, very optimistic. (And this is if the global economy picks up)

Have we another eight sectors that will each produce 10,000 jobs in the current environment?

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